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Polaris Indy 500 Engine Specs

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      The Polaris Indy 500 is a popular choice of snowmobile because of its impressive performance and desirable ride comfort. Although the Indy 500 was positioned as an entry-level sled, it sported luxury features such as heated hand grips, which were installed as standard, and are a welcome addition to any sled.


    • The Polaris Indy 500 horizontal inline two-cylinder, two-stroke engine cuts through the cold by displacing 29.8 inches of fuel. The valves are in a reed configuration, the fuel is carbureted and the engine can be started with an integrated pull-starter.


    • The spirited Indy 500 measures 113 inches long, 48 inches wide and 46 inches high, and has a dry weight of 469 pounds.


    • The exterior of the Polaris Indy 500 is combination of carbide, glass and composite materials. The fuel tank has a maximum capacity of 11.8 gallons.

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