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How to Replace a Loose Gas Pedal

    • 1). Examine your vehicle's gas pedal to determine the problem. If the arm pedal arm itself is loose, you may wish to tighten it with a ratchet handle and socket. Or, considering how important it is to the safe operation of your vehicle, you might want to have a mechanic inspect it. Examining your loose gas pedal should reveal that the rubber panel over the pedal no longer fits correctly.

    • 2). Purchase a replacement gas pedal at an automotive shop. These replacement pedals often are sold in packages, so you may also get a brake pedal and barking brake or clutch pedal. Ensure that you purchase replacements that are built specifically for your car. Replacement options include stock pedals or racing-style pedals.

    • 3). Pry off the loose gas pedal with your fingers or a screwdriver. Since it is already loose, it should come off easily.

    • 4). Snap the replacement gas pedal into place. The pedal snaps directly onto the mount on the end of the pedal arm. No glue is needed to install the replacement pedal. Ensure that the new pedal is firmly attached to the arm all the way around.

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