How to Paint Car Lights
- 1). Clean the car lights with an ammonia cleaner after the lights are removed from the car.
- 2). Use a razor blade to remove all the writing from the tail lights.
- 3). Prepare a bucket of soapy water. Sand your lights with a 600 grit sandpaper. Keep sanding until all of the writing is off and the lights are smooth.
- 4). Use the soapy water to clean your hands and to keep the sandpaper wet. Rinse the lights well after sanding with clear water, and let them dry.
- 5). Use masking tape and cover everything except for the actual lights.
- 6). Choose a paint type and color. Aug and Vans are two companies who sell spray-on car light paint.
- 7). Apply thin light coats of paint every half hour evenly over the entire tail light. Six coats should adequately cover the light.
- 8). Let the paint dry for a day. Lightly wet-sand the painted light to get rid of any dust. Remove all the masking tape except the tape on the top section of the body lights.
- 9). Wipe the lights with a tackcloth and then apply four coats of an enamel-based clearcoat. Let the lights dry and set-up in a warm area for a day.