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How to Program Remotes for a Pontiac

    • 1). Enter your car with your ignition key and remote. Close and lock all of the doors behind you, besides the driver's door, which you should leave open and unlocked.

    • 2). Insert and remove your key from the ignition twice, close and open your driver's door and then insert and remove the key from the ignition again.

    • 3). Close and open the driver's door again, insert the key into the ignition and then close the driver's door. Turn your ignition key "On" and then back "Off" and then remove the key from the ignition again.

    • 4). Wait for the door locks to automatically cycle and then press and release the Lock and Unlock buttons on your remote.

    • 5). Press and hold the Lock button by itself for two seconds. Wait for the door locks to click again to indicate that the programming was successful. You can then remove your key from the ignition to end the process and confirm your programming.

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