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Transmission Repair and the Benefits of Maintenance

If left alone until it breaks down, transmission repair can be exorbitantly expensive.
Depending on the circumstances, it could easily leave the owner with a tough choice between paying for the fix and buying a new car.
With some regular maintenance, however, you may never have to find yourself in that precarious position.
Any mechanic will be glad to tell you that regular service and maintenance is the key to keeping a car on the road for a very long time.
This service could be nothing more than a basic check.
It could be as much as a flush.
In any event, here are some of the benefits of seeing a mechanic for regular maintenance.
Extended Life With vehicles costing as much as they do and their notoriety for quickly losing resale value, it's no wonder that drivers want to get as many years out of a purchase as possible.
Newer vehicles are certainly making this possible.
Their engines and mechanics are designed to last, given they receive proper maintenance along the way.
Unfortunately, they don't receive that proper maintenance in many cases.
Transmission repair can be very expensive.
If you take your car in for general service now and then (including filter and gasket replacement and new fluid), you can make sure you extend the life of your car as long as possible.
Flushing Fluid Car manufacturers getting an oil change every three to six thousand miles, with some variation built in due to external factors such as driving conditions.
Often, this is one of the only forms of regular maintenance a driver will keep up with.
To avoid transmission repair, however, you should ignore the fluid keeping that part of your car lubricated and running.
While a flush certainly doesn't need to be done every 3,000 miles, it should be considered every couple of years.
With pressure, all of the fluid is taken out and replaced with fresh lubrication.
Seeing as lubrication fights heat-one of the biggest causes of breakdown-it's easy to see why this is so important.
Finding Problems Early There could be trouble brewing under your hood every time you take your car out for a drive.
You probably won't know it until you hear or smell something unusual.
Even this is not enough for many drivers to worry about.
If you want to avoid expensive transmission repair, however, you should make it a point to solve car problems as early as possible.
One of the best ways to do this is to take it in for regular maintenance.
A good mechanic may find problems before they are obviously symptomatic, fixing them before the cost skyrockets.

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