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How to Adjust an Automotive Spray Gun

    • 1). Adjust the spray pattern by turning the air cap horns up or down, which causes the pattern to spray left to right. The air cap horns allow air and fluid to flow and shape the spray stream into a controlled pattern.

    • 2). Spray on masking paper first to test the pattern's shape and size before painting. Spraying left to right will give you the most accurate spray-painting pattern.

    • 3). Match the portion of the vehicle to be painted by adjusting the pattern size. For example, you do not want to paint a narrow portion using a large pattern.

    • 4). Adjust the fluid flow by choosing a fluid tip to match your painting rhythm.

    • 5). Adjust the spray pressure to match the fluid flow. Use an air-pressure gauge to set the pressure to the exact foot-pound required.

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