Home & Garden Home Improvement

How To Buy Eureka Vacuum Belts

When you need to replace your Eureka vacuum cleaner belt, whether because of breakage or simply as regularly scheduled maintenance, it's vital to buy the correct replacement belt.
Knowing the model number of your Eureka vacuum cleaner is, therefore, an absolute must before you go to the store and purchase the replacement belt.
Where can you find the model number of your Eureka vacuum cleaner?The model number on Eureka vacuum cleaners are located on a silver metallic-colored rating plate that is placed in an area that can be found easily, usually on the back or bottom of the vacuum cleaner.
There will be a four digit number, a pair of letters, and then a much longer number.
The numbers indicate the model number, and the letters denote the style or type of the vacuum cleaner.
The very long number is the serial number of the individual vacuum itself.
When you go to purchase the replacement belt of your Eureka vacuum cleaner, you will need both the four-digit model number and the style or type designation in order to make sure you are purchasing the correct belt.
How often should you replace the belt?According to Eureka's official website, vacuum belts will typically begin showing signs of wear or stretching out after around six months of use.
It's a good idea to plan on replacing the belt twice a year for regular use, or more often if the vacuum is put to heavier use or if clear signs of wear are noted.

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