Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Most Important Aspects of Astral Projection Binaural Beats

The astral projection binaural beats allow you to achieve an out of the body state quickly and easily and have a beneficial experience.
These tones work effectively to give you the ultimate conscious awareness that you can have.
They can be used in general without a special need to make your life better in a number of ways.
Every human being has a physical body and a mind.
The mind is also known as an astral, non-physical body.
What most people find hard to grasp, however, is that the astral body can be separated from the physical one and have experiences and travel on its own.
Usually, once you are in the state or trance or lucid dreaming, you enter the astral plane and your conscious awareness of yourself becomes greater.
You are able to set your mind on the right level that you want to make the most out of the life and of the world you live in.
Astral projection has been known and practiced for thousands of years.
It was first used by the Ancient Egyptians and then by other civilizations.
In the past it was possible to get to this unique and pure spiritual state through years of study and training and hours of practicing a wide range of techniques.
This was the hidden secret of the privileged few and many actually never managed to have an out of the body experience.
Today thanks to modern technology you can enjoy all the amazing benefits from an experience in the astral realm thanks to the astral projection binaural beats.
These come in the form of recordings, but given their low frequencies you cannot hear them.
However, your brain picks them up.
The procedure is simple - two different beats are produced in your ears with the use of stereo headphones.
These two waves with different frequencies interact inside the brain and allow for the production of a brainwave the frequency of which equals the difference between the two tones.
The specific binaural beats produce only brain wave with beneficial frequencies - cycles of repetition.
These are the alpha theta brainwave patterns that range from 4 to 12 Hz.
When your brain produces these you feel relaxed and yet fully conscious and aware of yourself in a state similar to the one experienced under hypnosis and through deep mediation.
Most people tend to be curious and yet slightly frightened about the unknown, so it is definitely worth highlighting the fact that the experiences the astral projection beats provide are perfectly relaxing and even pleasant.
The use of these tones is not addictive and is not known to be harmful to the health in any way.
Still, what you will experience in the astral plane is completely up to you.
The astral projection binaural beats can be used any time you like to have an out of the body travel.
They are freely available on the market in a variety of forms.
The binaural beats mp3 format is particularly popular since you can take the recordings anywhere with you as long as you use a portable multiplayer device.

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