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How to Remove the Door Panel on a 1973 Triumph TR6

    • 1). Open the door and prop it open so that it won't swing shut on you while you are working on it. Remove the window crank. Removing the window crank and the door handle are the two hardest parts about removing the TR6 door panel. The handles are held on with small hidden pins that must be removed.

    • 2). Slide two large flat head screwdrivers between the door panel and the window crank on either side of the shaft that the handle slides onto, being careful not to mar the upholstery on the door panel. There is a spring that is mounted between the door panel and the door itself that presses the panel against the handle and prevents the pin from falling out and the handle coming off. Angle the screwdrivers so that there is a gap between the handle and the door panel. You should see the shaft that the handle slides onto if the screwdriver is pressing the panel back far enough.

    • 3). Press the pin out of the shaft by sliding a long thin tool into the small hole that you will see on the shaft for the window crank. Press the pin out by sliding the thin tool into the hole. You may need to tap the end of the tool with a hammer to press out the pin, which simply slides into the hole in the shaft. Do not lose the pin when it falls out of the shaft. Set the pin aside. Remove the door handle using the same method used to remove the window crank.

    • 4). Pull the door panel straight off of the door, starting on the lower edge. The door panel is held to the door with metal clips that are fastened to the door panel and then clip into holes in the door itself. The clips will make loud clicking noises when they release from the door. To avoid tearing the clips off of the soft door panels, carefully slide a pair of needle nose pliers under the door panel and pull on the door panel clips themselves rather than the simply pulling on the door panel.

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