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Book Review - Low-Carb Sweets and "The Art of Self-Indulgence" by Sharon Allbright

As a "low-carber," the types of recipes I look for most in a good lifestyle cookbook are really easy, completely delicious, low carb, sugar-free dessert and snack recipes.
I think it is partly psychological, in other words, having these kinds of recipes at my fingertips makes me feel prepared and reinforces that I can truly enjoy my low carb lifestyle without being deprived of the sweet things in life.
I suspect cookbook author, Sharon Allbright, read my mind when she wrote her 216-page book, Low-Carb Sweets and "The Art of Self-Indulgence" (Paisley Print House, 2003).
Low-Carb Sweets is one of the most delightful recipe books I've read recently.
This book is a complete package: over 100 easy-to-follow recipes, fun and friendly images, helpful tips and warm guidance and support with just the right measure of motivational gusto.
From the delightful, bright cover to the rosy-colored pages, this cookbook is completely charming.
I recommend Low-Carb Sweets for beginning low carb cooks as well as for more experienced "lifers.
" The 100+ recipes are sandwiched between helpful chapters for living a healthy, sugar-free, protein-packed lifestyle.
From the opening line, "This isn't going to be a 'She lives by the ocean with her husband and dog' introduction...
" I knew this would be a fun book to read as well as keep.
Allbright's goal "to turn low-carb eating into a lifestyle of pleasure" is admirable, and just the philosophy I can get behind.
Reading through chapters such as, "On The Low-Carb Trail (In Search of Dessert Nirvana)" and "Ready To Dive In? (Tricks of the Treats)", started me salivating to try her recipes.
And there is a mouth-watering variety of them.
"Waffles, Pancakes, Crepes & Blintzes," "Cookies, Brownies & Bars," "Ice Cream & Other creamy Delights" are a few of the chapters, with recipes for cakes, muffins and cupcakes, pies, shakes and drinks, and candies filling the pages.
A few of the recipes included: "Zero-Carb Waffle," "Very Berry Blintzes," "Coconut Chip Cookies," "Black Forrest Cake," "Devil's Food Cupcakes," "Orange Brandy Cream," "Luscious Lemony Pie," "Vanilla Chippies," "Mocha Kicker," and "Root Beer Supreme.
" All the recipes in this book fit the fundamentals of low-carb.
The ingredients used are "back to low-carb basics" such as protein powders, unflavored gelatin, flaxseed and other seed meals and psyllium.
Sweeteners include sucralose, stevia and saccharin.
I found that Allbright's goal was to use natural, nutrition-packed ingredients.
The third section of the book is called, "The Art of Self-Indulgence" with six fun and inspirational chapters, "Stepping into a Dream," "Pleasure Principles," "Journaling (Dreams to Reality)," "Ashley's Journal (A Window to Discovery)," "Blowing It (With Style)," and "24 Hour Makeover.
" I found these chapters to be an enjoyable read filled with little pointers, inspiration, motivation and real experiences that I most definitely identified with.
Allbright hit the mark when she wrote "Low-Carb Sweets" ...
and how sweet it is!

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