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How to Get Rid of Swirl Marks on Fresh Black Paint Jobs

    • 1). Wet the 2000-grit sandpaper with water, then sand down the surface of the vehicle. Do not apply too much pressure, as this could cause more swirl marks. On an all-over paint job, it is likely necessary to re-sand the entire paint job if you have noticed one swirl mark.

    • 2). Apply a dab of polishing compound to the vehicle's sanded surface.

    • 3). Apply the buffing pad to the vehicle surface and set its RPM switch to the lowest setting. Pull the trigger to begin buffing, and move the buffer at a steady, measured pace across the surface of the vehicle, being careful to avoid pausing in one place. Continue polishing the paint with the buffer until the vehicle shines again. Check the surface for swirl marks or haze, and polish with the buffer again if necessary.

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