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How to Install Struts on a 1995 Ford Contour

    • 1). Lift the hood. Place the appropriate size ratchet wrench on the large nut on the top of the strut where it protrudes through the fender well. Use the Allen wrench to hold the center stud and remove the nut. Raise the front of the car with the floor jack and place the jack stands under the frame. Lower the car onto the jack stands.

    • 2). Remove the lug nuts on both wheels and remove the wheels. Pull the cotter pin out of the outer tie rod end stud where it enters the knuckle using wire cutters. Place the tie rod separator between the tie rod the knuckle-mounting surface. Strike the tool with a hammer until the tie rod end comes loose. Lift the tie rod out of the knuckle.

    • 3). Remove the bolt securing the sway bar link to the strut using a socket, then pull the link out of the strut tab. Remove the bolt securing the ABS cable to the strut with a socket. Pull the spring retaining clip up to remove the brake line using a wire cutters to grab the edge to lift up.

    • 4). Loosen the lower pinch bolt securing the strut tube to the knuckle using a socket. Hold the strut with one hand and strike the knuckle to knock it off the strut tube. Pull the strut from the fender well. Stand the strut straight up and install the spring compressor. With a socket, tighten down on the spring compressor until the spring no longer touches the upper strut plate.

    • 5). Install the ratchet wrench on the top nut. Using the Allen wrench to hold the center of the strut rod, remove the large nut. Lift the top strut plate off, followed carefully by the spring, which is still compressed. Lay the spring down carefully. Remove the rubber spring seat on the spring mounting surface on the strut. Transfer this seat to the new strut.

    • 6). Lift the spring carefully and install the spring on the new strut on top of the rubber pad. Make sure the end of the spring is sitting in the depression on the rubber spring seat. Install the strut plate and the nut and tighten with the same tools used in its removal. Loosen and remove the spring compressor.

    • 7). Install the new strut assembly in the strut-mounting hole on the knuckle and loosely tighten the pinch bolt. Place the floor jack under the knuckle and raise the knuckle to push the strut upper mounting stud through the hole in the fender well. Install the nut on the top of the fender well and tighten with the same tools.

    • 8). Tighten the strut pinch-bolt securely. Install the brake line and ABS wire to the rear side tab on the strut and tighten the bolt with a socket. Install the outer tie rod end-stud into the knuckle and tighten the nut securely. Insert the cotter pin. Install the wheel and tighten the lug nuts securely with the lug wrench and lower the car.

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