Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How Do I Remove the Exhaust Manifold From an Isuzu Trooper?

    • 1). Disconnect the battery ground cable and lay it aside. Unbolt and remove the air cleaner assembly using the appropriate socket. Loosen the clamp on the EGR pipe on the back of the cylinder head using the appropriate socket.

    • 2). Jack the Trooper up with the floor jack and support it with the jack stands. Pull the EGR pipe off the intake and exhaust manifolds. Disconnect the exhaust pipe from the exhaust manifold using the appropriate socket. Unplug the oxygen sensor wiring harness.

    • 3). Remove the manifold shield and the heat stove using the appropriate sockets. Remove the manifold nuts using the appropriate socket or wrench. Pull the exhaust manifold off the engine and discard it.

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