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How to Replace the Alternator in a Chevy S-10

    • 1). Remove the positive battery terminal from the post by turning the nut counterclockwise, loosening it enough to pull it free. Set the terminal away from the battery post.

    • 2). Press on the tension pulley arm to loosen the serpentine belt then work the belt out from underneath the idle pulley wheel. Relax the tension arm so that the belt has enough slack to unwrap from the alternator pulley wheel. If the belt is an older, single-pulley style, loosen the alternator mount bolts counterclockwise with a socket wrench until the belt can be removed. Neither belt must be fully removed from the engine, only from the alternator.

    • 3). Disconnect the electrical wiring harness from the alternator by turning the primary red lead wire nut counterclockwise then pulling it from the post. Some later models may have a secondary accessory plug which can be removed from the socket by hand. Lay all wires away from the work area.

    • 4). Remove the alternator mount nuts by turning them counterclockwise and pulling the mount bolts directly out of the mount arms. The alternator will be loose and can be taken from the engine compartment at this time.

    • 5). Replace the alternator with a new unit and position the unit into the mount arms. Slide the bolts through the mount arms and tighten their respective nuts clockwise. If the unit is a single belt system, leave the nuts slightly loose. Reattach the primary wire, securing the nut clockwise over its ring terminal. Replace the accessory wiring harness adapter plug by pressing it into the socket. Reattach the belt in the reverse order of removal. Replace the positive battery lead and tighten the nut clockwise.

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