How to Remove the Interior Door Panels of a Beetle
- 1). Remove the window and door cranks. There is a large spring for each crank just behind the door panel, which holds the crank tightly against the door panel.
Note the plastic collar located behind each crank, where the crank enters the door panel. Press the collar toward the door panel to expose the base of the crank. Locate the metal pin at the base of the crank, then insert the tip of a nail into this pin. Tap the nail lightly with a hammer to drive the pin out the other side of the crank, then pull the crank away from the door panel to remove it. Be careful not to lose the pin. - 2). Use the putty knife to disconnect the clips that secure the door panel to the door. Insert the putty knife between the door panel and the door with the curve of the putty knife facing toward the back of the door panel. Push the handle of the putty knife toward the door to push the door panel away from the door and to free the clip. Repeat the process around all four corners of the door panel, as there are several clips.
- 3). Remove the door panel. The door panel rests on top of a metal bracket within the door. To remove the panel, grab the panel by the door handle, then lift up on the handle to disconnect it from the metal bracket. Pull the door panel away from the door to complete the removal process.