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Beat Breakdowns - Regular Car Maintenance

Even though it can seem like a bit of a hassle, regular car maintenance is crucial.
Problems are likely to arise or worsen if you neglect your vehicle completely.
It's also worth reading through your vehicle's handbook and take note of what you should check and when.
Besides, you're bound to avoid breaking down if your car has been well looked after.
So, what should you be checking and maintaining? What you should do on a daily basis Before you set off on any journey, it's always best to quickly check your tyres.
It doesn't have to be hard work - just check for any pressure reduction or cuts in each tyre.
If you feel like the tyre pressure is low then this must be sorted immediately.
After all, your tyres are the only contact with the road.
It may be obvious, but make sure you have a sufficient amount of fuel for your journey.
If you're running on near enough empty and heading for a long journey then it's likely you'll breakdown.
When you start the engine, listen out for any noises that aren't normally there.
If it sounds like isn't running smoothly then check it thoroughly.
The same goes for the brakes and the steering; if you feel that there's something wrong then seek advice straight away.
What you should do on a weekly basis Clean the car if you haven't already and make sure that all windows and lights are completely clean.
Dirt or debris on the lights will decrease light efficiency and dirt on your windows may obstruct your view of the roads.
Make sure all of your lights are also in full working order and keep a lookout for blown or broken bulbs.
Next up are the tyres.
Assess each tyre carefully and check tyre pressures.
If necessary, adjust them to the correct pressure level.
You can check this in your vehicle's handbook.
You should check that there is a sufficient amount of windscreen wash and if not, top it up.
This will only take two minutes! It's also worth removing rubbish from inside your car so that you're not distracted while driving.
What you should do on a monthly basis Every month, you should check the oil levels in the engine and make sure the level of fluid is between the minimum and maximum marks on the dipstick.
You should also check the liquid levels in the cooling system; quickly top it up if necessary.
Remember to include antifreeze in the coolant mixture all year round in order to help protect against possible frost damage.
Remember to wash and polish the car (if not done weekly) in order to prevent the bodywork from ageing.

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