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Internet Marketing Tips - Audio And Video On Sales Pages

There is no denying that audio and video are very big today when it comes to Internet marketing.
Video especially is bigger than ever.
Since Google bought out YouTube, marketers are doing everything they can to get videos submitted to YouTube and also put on their sales pages.
However, many marketers are making many mistakes when it comes to the utilization of audio and video; mistakes that will ultimately cost them visitors and sales.
This article is going to cover some of the more common mistakes that marketers make when dealing with audio and video, especially when it comes to their sales pages.
One of the biggest mistakes that marketers make is in scrimping on quality.
I realize that not everybody has big budgets for marketing, but if you're going to do a video or an audio file for your sales page, you really should make it the best quality possible.
A poorly made video or audio file when played will turn your visitor off and ultimately lose the sale.
This is especially disturbing when somebody spends $2,500 on sales copy and can't afford to make a decent video.
So make sure the quality of your video and audio is as good as you can make it.
Another mistake marketers make is that they set up their audio and video files to play as soon as the visitor reaches their sales page.
This is a mistake for many reasons.
However, there are two reasons in particular that will lose you many sales.
But marketers just don't seem to get it.
The first reason is simple.
Many people just don't like audio and video.
They prefer to read the sales page at their leisure and at their own pace.
Videos and audio files make them keep up with YOUR pace, which many be a little too fast for them.
Another reason that people don't like videos and audio files blaring right away is because the noise is startling and if they're having a bad day or just in a bad mood, it can cause them to close up their browser right away.
The second reason, and this is what marketers don't think about, has nothing to do with the person's personal preference.
They may simply be in a room where a small child or baby is sleeping and the sound of the video or audio may just wake the child up.
This will only irritate the person and ultimately cause you to lose yet another sale.
Like it or not, they'll blame YOU for waking up their kid.
The best way to handle video and audio on your sales page is to set it so that it doesn't start playing automatically.
Let the visitor decide if they want to play it on their own.
You'll get a lot more happy customers this way.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim

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