How to Replace a 2001 Honda Civic's Wiper Motor
- 1). Open the Civic's hood and pry the cap from the base of each windshield wiper arm, using a flat-head screwdriver. Remove the wiper arm-retaining nut on the base of both wiper arms, using a ratchet and socket.
- 2). Place a match-mark line on both wiper arms and on the wiper linkage output shafts, using marking paint.
- 3). Position a clawed puller on the wiper arm, so that the claws grab the underside of the wiper arm and the screw part contacts the wiper linkage output shaft. Tighten the clawed puller to free the wiper arm from the shaft. Pull the wiper arm from the wiper linkage output shaft. Repeat this step for the other wiper arm.
- 4). Pry the seven cowl-retaining clips from the two cowl covers -- the plastic covers at the base of the windshield -- using a trim stick. Remove the passenger's side cowl cover first, then the driver's side cowl cover -- the wiper motor is under the driver's side cowl cover.
- 5). Press the locking button on the five-pin wiring harness that plugs into the wiper motor and unplug the wiring harness. Remove the three wiper linkage assembly-retaining bolts, with a ratchet and socket, then pull the wiper linkage assembly from the Civic.
- 6). Paint a match-mark line on the wiper linkage assembly and the wiper linkage arm -- where the arm connects to the motor. Remove the wiper linkage-to-motor nut and washer, using a ratchet and socket. Remove the three wiper motor-to-wiper linkage assembly bolts with a ratchet and socket. Pull the motor from the linkage assembly.
- 7). Apply a thin coat of multipurpose grease in all of the linkage's joints and moving components.
- 8). Set the new wiper motor on the wiper linkage assembly and tighten the three wiper motor-retaining bolts to 6 foot-pounds with a torque wrench and socket.
- 9). Set the wiper linkage arm on the motor's output shaft, so that the match-mark line on the arm lines up with that on the linkage assembly. Set the washer on the motor's output shaft and tighten the linkage arm-to-motor output shaft nut to 13 foot-pounds, using a torque wrench and socket.
- 10
Set the wiper linkage assembly back in the Civic and tighten its three bolts to 7 to 8 foot-pounds, using a torque wrench and socket. Plug the wiring harness into the new wiper motor. - 11
Turn the Civic's ignition on and turn the wipers on their lowest setting. Turn the wipers off to assure they are in their parked position before attaching the wiper arms. - 12
Set the driver's side cowl cover over the cowl, then set the passenger's side cowl cover in place. Press the seven cowl cover-retaining clips in place to secure the cowl covers. - 13
Set the wiper arms on the wiper linkage output shafts, so the match-mark lines on the wipers line up with those on the output shafts. Tighten the wiper arm-to-output shaft nut on each arm to 13 foot-pounds, using a torque wrench and socket. Press the caps back onto the base of the wiper blade arms. - 14
Close the Civic's hood.