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How to Build a Hydrogen Maker for a Car

    • 1). Use a table or jig saw to cut the CPVC pipe to the correct length for your engine compartment, between 10 and 18 inches. If you use a hand saw, use a mitre box to ensure a straight cut.

    • 2). Cut two electrode tubes out thin gauge steel pipe. One electrode needs to fit inside the other tube. The gap between the inner and outer tubes' diameters should be .3 of an inch. The length of the electrode tubes should be five inches shorter than the length of the hydrogen generator housing. Drill eight 1/4-inch holes around the base of each electrode tube. Drill the holes 3/8 of an inch from the tube edge. Debor the holes after drilling.

    • 3). Mount the electrodes to the inside of a CPVC end cap with the same diameter as the generator housing. Drill holes in the cap for the electrical wires from the electrode tubes. Solder the wires to each electrode with silver flux solder. Run the wiring through the holes then seal them closed with heat resistant sealant, such as JB Weld.

    • 4). Permanently seal the end cap holding the electrodes to the generator housing using high grade epoxy. Allow it to cure for 24 hours. Drill a half inch diameter hole an 1/8th of an inch above the rim of the end cap. Affix a valve to the hole. This is the inlet where a water hose will connect the main water tank to the hydrogen generator.

    • 5). Assemble a magnetic coil out of a Ferrite Toroid Coil Core (National Magnetics Part # 995) and fine grade copper wire. Wrap at least 250 turns of the wire around the magnet ring. Mount the magnetic coil inside another CPVC end cap.

    • 6). Install three valves in the end cap holding the magnetic coil, a pressure relief valve, a valve to feed hydrogen by a length of tube to the carburetor and a valve for the pressure indicator inside the instrument panel. Permanently seal the end cap to the top of the hydrogen generator housing.

    • 7). Mount the hydrogen generator housing inside the engine compartment. Use appropriate brackets or hardware based on the shape and layout of the engine compartment. Connect the electrode wires to the electronics system, the water inlet valve to the tank hose, and the feeder valve to the carburetor tubing. Your generator housing is complete.

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