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How to Install a Starter for an S10 Pickup

    • 1). Raise the front of the truck with a jack and position it on a set of jack stands. The starter is located at the base of the engine compartment near the front of the engine, so you need to work from under the truck.

    • 2). Remove the lower mounting bolt from the starter body. Support the starter while you remove the upper mounting bolt.

    • 3). Turn the starter body to gain access to the electrical wire connected to the solenoid. Disconnect the wire from the solenoid by using a wrench to remove the retaining nut. Pull the wire straight off the post.

    • 4). Remove the starter from the engine compartment. Insert the new starter body and position the electrical wire on the post. Secure it with the nut and tighten it with a wrench.

    • 5). Install the upper and lower mounting bolts. Torque both bolts to 37 pound-feet with your torque wrench.

    • 6). Raise the truck slightly with the jack and remove the jack stands. Lower the truck to the ground. Test the function of the new starter.

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