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How to Change the Oil In a 2008 Yamaha Raptor 700

    • 1). Run the bike for a few minutes to warm up the oil. Place a drain pan under the engine and remove the drain plug under the center of the engine using a wrench.

    • 2). Remove the drain plug, compression ring and oil strainer. Allow the oil to drain. When finished draining, install the oil strainer, followed by the compression ring and drain plug. Tighten the plug to 25 foot-pounds of torque.

    • 3). Remove the oil filter cover under the Yamaha cover by removing the three bolts with a socket. Remove the cover and extract the oil filter cartridge. Install a new cartridge with a new O-ring that comes with the filter. Install the cover and tighten the three bolts to 7 foot-pounds of torque.

    • 4). Fill the engine with 2.5 quarts of four-cycle oil through the dipstick.

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