How to Replace the Starter in a Geo Tracker
- 1). Park your Geo Tracker on a level surface, activate the emergency brake and place blocks behind the back tires for safety. Disconnect the negative battery cable with a terminal puller. Raise the front end of the car with a jack for easier access to the starter.
- 2). Label all wires connecting the starter to the solenoid terminals as you detach each one, so that you can remember where they connect later.
- 3). Loosen the two mounting bolts with a wrench until you can do so by hand. Place one hand under the starter motor for support and then remove the mounting bolts with your other hand. Put the mounting bolts in the jar for safe keeping. Remove the malfunctioning starter from the engine.
- 4). Take your malfunctioning starter to the parts store with you. Aftermarket distributors remanufacture most of the starters they sell, so you can likely obtain a partial credit toward your new starter by exchanging your old one. Be sure that you take care not to damage the starter in transit, because the better condition it is in, the more you can get for it.
- 5). Purchase a replacement starter that has the same or higher cranking capacity (power rating) as the original starter in your Geo Tracker. Also, match the bolt patterns, drive gears and electrical connections. Your owner's manual may list specifications or the auto parts technician will help you determine them.
- 1). Position the new starter where the old one was and secure it in place with the starter mounting bolts. Torque the bolts between 16 and 18 foot pounds (22 to 24 Nm).
- 2). Wipe wire connectors clean of corrosion and dirt with a dry cloth, such as an old t-shirt. Reconnect wires to the starter and solenoid terminals.
- 3). Lower your Geo Tracker back to the ground. Reconnect the negative battery cable. Turn the key in the ignition to see if your new starter motor functions correctly.