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Project Ideas for a Grape Harvest

    Proper Picking Method

    • Picking grapes is a different experience that picking other types of fruit. When you pick strawberries or raspberries for example, you simply tug the fruit directly off the vine and toss in a basket. When you do the same thing to grapes, you lose some of the natural juice inside. The proper technique for grape picking involves holding a cluster in one hand and gently trimming the bunch off the vine with pruning shears. Teach your guests the proper method of picking the grapes off the vine.

    Grow Grapes at Home

    • Grape vines grow along areas with a support system in place, such as a trellis or fence. Show guests ways to bring a little of the harvest home by growing their own grapes. Treat guests to the same seeds you use at the vineyard or give guests a small clipping from the vines. Offer free instruction on planting the grapes at home and growing the vines in different settings. Give your guests information on watering the grape vines, the climate needed and any other information they need.

    Using the Grapes

    • Offer a few free cooking demonstrations that show different ways of using grapes beyond wine. Concord grapes, the same grapes used in different wines, are the base of a popular pie in New England. The pie requires only a small amount of sugar due to the natural sweetness of the grapes. Grape jelly and other desserts use wine grapes. Invite guests to take part in the demonstration and give free samples to all participants.

    Making Grape Juice

    • For a mixed-age group, wine making demonstrations are not appropriate. Instead, offer demonstrations that show guests the process of making grape juice. After picking the grapes, place the bunches in large wood tubs or bowls with a sieve inside. Show the guests how you crush the grapes, releasing the natural juices and remove seeds and other debris by pulling the sieve up and catching the debris inside.

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