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How to Remove Huck Bolts

    • 1). Hold the blow torch over the huck bolt. Press the "Unlock" button on the side of the nozzle or shaft, depending on the blowtorch.

    • 2). Press the "Ignite" trigger to fire a practice flame. The flame should be focused, but not large enough to heat up the entire surface that holds the huck bolt. Focus the flame by twisting the nozzle to the right. For a larger flame, twist the nozzle to the left.

    • 3). Press the trigger again and use the flame to melt the huck bolt. The amount of time needed to use the flame depends on the size of the huck bolt.

    • 4). Whack the huck bolt with a metal hammer to remove it from its surface. Repeat this process with the other huck bolts to complete the removal of the huck bolt.

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