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The Best Way to Get Rid of Fleas in Cars

    • 1). Vacuum the floors and upholstery in the car thoroughly. Seal the vacuum bags in closed plastic bags and dispose of them outside since they contain fleas and eggs.

    • 2). Sprinkle pyrethrin or permethrin powder on all surfaces in the car and leave it for a few days. These products are relatively nontoxic to people and pets, but only kill adult fleas, not larvae or eggs.

    • 3). Spray the car with an insect growth regulator mixed according to the manufacturer's directions. Insect growth regulators are hormone-based products that only work against flea larvae.

    • 4). Treat all pets with topical flea control products as recommended by your veterinarian. Otherwise, your pets may reintroduce fleas to the car, starting the infestation all over again.

    • 5). Vacuum the vehicle again two weeks after the initial treatment. If fleas reappear, repeat the process.

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