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How to Adjust the Fan Belt on a Jeep Wrangler

    Jeep Wrangler fan belt adjustment

    • 1). The fan belt tensioner is on the power steering pump. Use the socket to loosen the bolt, making sure not to remove the bolt.

    • 2). Use the screwdriver or pry bar to pry the belt inward and off the pulley. The power steering pump will move along the slide adjustment and allow the belt to removed.

    • 3). According to the Jeep Wrangler Haynes repair manual, you should examine the belt for cracks, fraying strands or cuts. Replace it with a new belt if needed. Make sure to use the diagram to ensure that the belt is installed properly.

    • 4). Slide the power steering pump along the slide adjustment until the belt is tight, and tighten the adjustment bolt that was loosened in Step 1. The belt should not move more than 1 inch horizontally. Start the Jeep and listen for any squealing to ensure belt tightness.

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