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How to Keep Brake Dust from Sticking on Aluminum Wheels

    • 1). Change the brake pads. Changing the pads to low dusting ceramic brake pads can greatly reduce brake dust . Some brake compounds create more dust than others.

    • 2). Install brake dust shields. Brake dust shield are placed between the wheel and the hub. Dust shields deflect brake dust away from the wheels so it will not be able to stick to them and form a coating. If you are particularly hard on your brakes you should purchase vented shields, as these will allow more cooling air into the brake area.

    • 3). Use a cleaner to remove brake dust. To remove brake dust that has already accumulated, use hot soapy water and a soft bristled brush designed for use on aluminum wheels. There are aerosol wheel cleaning products that are safe for aluminum wheels, and many claim to require little or no scrubbing. Simply spray them on and wipe or hose them off.

    • 4). Apply a wheel protectant. To keep clean wheels clean, the buildup of brake dust can be reduced by applying a coating of wax or polymer-based protectant, or a spray-on wheel treatment. The coating will reduce the tendency of brake dust to stick to the wheels while enhancing the wheel's appearance.

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