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DIY Transmission Fluid

    • 1). Turn on the ignition. It's best to check transmission fluid levels with a warm engine. Be sure your car is parked on flat ground.

    • 2). Open the hood of the car and locate the transmission dip stick. The dip stick is generally located beside the engine either toward the front or the rear. In many cars, you may have to reach down and grab it.

    • 3). Pull out the dip stick and wipe it clean with your old rag. Replace the dip stick and let it sit for a couple of minutes before pulling it out again, this time looking toward the bottom to see how high the fluid level is.

    • 4). Assess the level by checking two notches or lines on the dip stick. The lines are on top of each other with a little bit of space in the middle. If fluid doesn't reach above the bottom line, then you need to add some more (proceed to Step 5). If the fluid reaches above the line, then you have the proper fluid level.

    • 5). Pour fluid directly into the hole you pulled the dip stick from and recheck the level until it reaches the bottom line on the dip stick.

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