Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Remove a 2003 F350's Diesel Fan Belt?

    • 1). Open the hood. Locate the serpentine belt tensioner on the passenger side of the front of the engine.

    • 2). Place the square end of a ½-inch drive ratchet wrench into the hole on the front of the tensioner.

    • 3). Rotate the handle of the wrench in a counter-clockwise direction until the belt tension releases. Continue to hold the wrench handle in this position.

    • 4). Slide the serpentine belt off of the nearest accessory pulley within your reach while holding the wrench handle to keep the tension released.

    • 5). Slowly let the wrench handle return to its normal position. Remove the belt from the remaining accessory pulleys. Slide the belt over the engine fan, and remove it from the engine compartment.

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