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Information on the 1980 Camaro


    • Three of the four versions of the 1980 Camaro came standard with a 229 cubic inch V-6 engine, replacing the 250 cubic inch inline six engines of previous models. Both engine types, however, provided 115 horsepower. The Z28 had a 350 V-8 engine with 190 horsepower, as well as a redesigned hood the allowed air to flow directly to the engine bay. Outside of the Base and Z28 model, the Camaro also came in a luxury-oriented design, known as the Berlinetta, and a sporty design, known as the RS.


    • The Camaro came in a variety of colors.colors image by dinostock from

      Depending on the specific 1980 Camaro purchased, some of the features included, but were not limited to: power window and door locks, air-conditioning, an AM/FM radio with audio cassette player, rear-window defrost and a four-speed transmission offered in either standard or automatic. The 1980 Camaro had over 70 dealer and 40 factory options for customizing. A wide range of colors were also available for the exterior, including white, black, red and bronze. The Base model had a length of 197.6 inches, a width of 74.5 inches, a height of 49.2 inches and a wheelbase of 108 inches.


    • The cost of a 1980 Camaro varied depending on the make and model, as well as what features came with it. Prices ranged from $5,843 for Base models, and up to $7,363 for Z28 models. The average cost of a 1980 Camaro was up 10 percent, or roughly $625 from 1979 models, and was more expensive than the Ford Mustang, which was its biggest rival.

    Engine Types

    • The 1980 Chevy Camaro offered a variety of different engine types based upon the specific model. The LC-3 V-6 engine contained 229 CID (cubic inch displacement) and offered 175 torque at 2000 revolutions per minute (RPM). The LD-5 V-6 engine, which was only available in California, had a 231 CID with 190 torque at 1600 RPM. The LM1, which was only available on the Z28, had a 350 CID with 280 torque at 2400 RPM. Torque refers to the force which produces rotation. The Z28 had a top speed of 120 mph, along with 14 mpg.

    Production Numbers

    • The 1980 Camaro had trouble sellingCash image by Greg Carpenter from

      The 1980 Camaro had low sales numbers due to engine redesign, rising gas prices and a higher retail price. The Base Camaro sold 68,174 models, the Z28 sold 45,137, the Berlinetta 26,679 and the RS 12,015. Another factor for the low sales was that the lineup of 1980 Camaros didn't offer any radical changes from previous models, other than the engines.

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