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How to Make Parking Brake Adjustments in a Ford Mustang

    • 1). Remove the center console cover around the parking brake lever. Locate this between the driver's seat and the front passenger seat.

    • 2). Pull up on the parking brake lever until it reaches the fourth notch or click.

    • 3). Turn the adjuster nut until it is loose. Locate the adjuster nut on the end of the parking brake cable rod. Make sure the adjuster nut does not come off the parking brake cable rod.

    • 4). Put the parking brake handle on the lowest setting towards the floor. Turn the adjuster nut until it is closest to the parking brake lever on the parking brake cable rod.

    • 5). Raise the parking brake lever to the highest position and lower it again to the floor. Do this four times to set the parking brake adjustments.

    • 6). Test your parking brake adjustment by parking your Ford Mustang on a hill and use only the parking brake to hold it from sliding. If the parking brake does not hold the car in place, make another adjustment to your parking brake lever.

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