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Tools For Auto Repair - Electronic Torque Wrench

Precision is important when working on cars. A Torque Wrench is a tool that applies a specific amount of torque to a bolt or fastener. This tool is used when it is important to only apply a certain amount of torque, or tightness, to a bolt. If a bolt is not torqued properly, failure of the bolt can result. A recent example that happened to me was a tire shop over-torqued or over-tightened the lug nuts on my truck.

This caused the lugs to snap off at high speed. When we pulled the truck over after hearing a loud crunching sound, we realized we only had two out of six lug nuts left, holding the wheel on. This was very very dangerous. I had to replace all the lug studs on that wheel. After consulting with Nissan they told me to be very precise when torquing down the lug nuts. A perfect time to use a torque wrench. Most people have seen a torque wrench at some point, but this Craftsman Electronic Torque Wrench is a new level of precision. The digital read out gives you an exact level of torque. This is a solid product that will come in handy.

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