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Specs for the 1988 Iroc Z


    • The Iroc Z models come with a 5-liter V-8 engine capable of 170 horsepower. A five-speed manual overdrive transmission came standard, though the car could also come with an optional four-speed automatic overdrive transmission instead. It has a compression ratio of 9.3 to 1, a bore (cylinder diameter) of 3.74 and a stroke (piston traveling distance) of 3.48.


    • The Corvette Iroc Z has a 15.5-gallon fuel tank and runs on unleaded gasoline. The manual version gets 16 or miles per gallon (mpg) in the city and 25 mpg on the highway. The automatic version gets 17 mpg in the city and 25 mpg on the highway.


    • The Iroc Z features a tachometer for tracking revolutions per minute (rpm). This Corvette has seating for a maximum of four passengers.

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