Can You Take Knitting Needles on an Airplane?
If you have a long flight ahead of you, and you think it is the perfect time to finish that knitting project you've been working on, rest assured that your knitting needles will make it past security.
Pirate Hat Crafts
Children highly romanticize pirates. To children, pirates are daring, reckless people daring to challenge the rules of society. Since children are governed by authority on all sides, it is easy to see why they admire the freedom of pirate life. Embrace a child's love of piracy by creating a pirate h
How to Get Thunder TM in Emerald
"Pokemon: Emerald" is a roleplaying game with hundreds of playable Pokemon characters. The game features an even larger list of spells and abilities, including TM Thunder. TM Thunder is an energy based attack, and it can do massive damage to enemy Pokemon who are vulnerable to that element. Players
How to Make Keychains Out of Lanyard String
Lanyard string is the name given to certain kinds of colorful plastic thread. There are two general types: round strings which are often hollow inside, and flat laces. It gets its name from the lanyards that it is used to make, and is also known as "boondoggle," "gimp," "scoubi" or "scoobie." Lanya
How to Grease Leather Gear
The best way to grease your leather saddle bags, holsters, horse tack and biker gear is not to grease it at all. Greasing leather had a long and glorious tradition in the military and among cowhands, but it ended around WWI. Although grease is a superior lubricant for industrial machinery, it rots s
How to Build a Van de Graaf
Van de Graaf generators are electric generators driven by belts that accumulate voltage in a sphere. These generators require a smooth dome to store charge, so domes with a seam or other irregularities will not work well. Most van de Graff generators have a pulley system that delivers a negative cha
How to Make Your Own Sticker Supplies
Stickers are a quick way to jazz up scrapbook pages, handmade cards and other paper crafts. A variety of stickers, from basic stickers to elaborate 3-D designs, are available at most craft shops. You can make your own sticker supplies to complete your projects if you keep a few basic items on hand.
How to Make Organic Doll Furniture
Crafting homemade organic doll furniture for various size dolls is a rewarding endeavor for both the adult and child. The time spent gathering, preparing and constructing the furniture is rewarded two-fold when the child is made part of the experience. Organic doll furniture is made from all-natural
How to Style a Collectible Doll's Hair
After years of wear and tear, lots of love and being placed in a box, any doll's hair will surely look much less than perfect. Many young children know all too well that the first time you brush your doll's hair or take it out of the ponytail it's never the same. If you're looking to give your colle
Halloween Makeup: Video Series
Become an expert on Halloween makeup by learning how to create cats, witches, skulls, ghostly eyes and even the character of Edward from Twilight! Enjoy the master guidance of a professional makeup artist in this free video series.
How to Set Up a Nontoxic Print Shop for Silk-Screening
Printing the old-fashioned way required oil-based inks and solvents and - even with a good ventilation system - was hard on the lungs (not to mention the liver and kidneys). Here's how to detoxify the process.
How to Make a Tri-Fold Tyvek Wallet
Tyvek is a super-duty paper that is very difficult to tear, which is often used in mail envelopes and in home construction. You can make a tri-fold wallet from this material, which has slots for credit cars and is extremely lightweight, making it a great wallet to take out with you inconspicuously.
Making a Drawstring Jewelry Bag With Pockets
Keep jewelry safe can be a problem when traveling. Chains tangle and knot, cosmetics and fragrances spill on gemstones and settings catch on delicate fabrics. Small pieces can get lost. A pretty drawstring pouch that you make yourself will protect your jewelry and your clothes.
How to Make Ribbed Crochet
The ribbed crochet is the stitch that is most like knitting. It produces a soft, pliable piece that has an obvious ribbed row on it. When you use the ribbed stitch, your final product almost looks and feels like knitting. The stitch is produced by placing the crochet hook in one of the loops you nor
Instructions to Make Essential Oils
Essential oils are the scented liquids taken from flowers and other elements of a plant. Essential oils are used for both skin care and aromatherapy purposes, and are very popular. However, essential oils can be expensive to buy. Instead of buying commercial products, you can make your own essential
How to Make a FlipFold Cardboard
FlipFold is the commercial name of a tool that allows you to fold shirts and pants. The tool comprises four flat panels on which you must place the shirt, then flip the panels in order, forming a 9-by-12-inch fold. Although the folding tool is not automatic -- the tool does not fold the clothes by
How to Make Jewelry From Shells
You can use shells to create many kinds of jewelry, including necklaces and pendants. Whether you choose to use the shells you pick up at the beach or those you buy in craft stores, your jewelry will be different from anything else you find on the market today. Shells come in a variety of shapes and
How to Make Wall Art Out of Recycled Containers
Artists find creative ways to use recycled containers. At the office of TerraCycle in New Jersey, for example, empty soda bottles are strung together to form walls. David Edgar cuts shapes from plastic detergent containers and assembles them into brightly colored fish designs that can be hung on a w
The Differences Between Stingrays & Skates
As a type of flattened fish, stingrays and skates share many common characteristics. These cartilaginous fish have no bones and breathe from five to seven gills on their underside. Closely related to sharks, stingrays and skates have tough skin that protects them and streamlines their movements. Sci