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How to Style a Collectible Doll's Hair

    • 1). Fill a small sauce pot with water. Place the pot on the stove and set the temperature to "high." Allow the water to start boiling. Pour some cold water into a medium-sized bowl, and fill the rest of the bowl with ice cubes. Keep the bowl in the refrigerator and the hot water boiling until you need to use them. This water will be used for "perming" the doll's hair.

    • 2). Apply a very small drop of shampoo into the doll's hair. Run the doll's hair under water as you gently brush the shampoo through the hair.

    • 3). Spray the hair with a fine mist of detangling spray. Brush the spray through the hair to get it smooth.

    • 4). Lay your straws onto a flat surface. Cut them so you have about 15 to 20 pieces, each a 3/4 inch long.

    • 5). Roll tiny sections of the doll's hair into the rollers. Slide a bobby pin through the middle of the straw--over the hair--to secure. Do this until all of the hair is up in rollers. Now it's time to perm.

    • 6). Lower the heat on the stove to low, allowing the water to simmer for just a couple of minutes.

    • 7). Place the doll inside a sink. Pour the very hot water over the doll's hair. Immediately following, pour the ice water over the doll's hair, as well.

    • 8). Place the doll in a small vase--like a bud vase--so she's standing upright. Allow her hair to dry for 15 hours.

    • 9). Remove all of the bobby pins and rollers from the doll's hair. The hair will be full and curly. For more volume and waves, lightly brush through the hair with a doll hairbrush.

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