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How to Remove the Oxygen Sensor on a Tracker

    • 1). Set the parking brake. If the engine has been run recently, let it cool for a few hours before you begin.

    • 2). Raise the vehicle with a hydraulic jack and place jack stands under your Tracker's frame to support its weight. Lower the hydraulic jack and set it aside.

    • 3). Crawl under the vehicle on the right hand side (driver's side) near the driver's door. Locate the catalytic converter, which is mounted in-line with the exhaust pipe.

    • 4). Locate the oxygen sensor which is mounted in the exhaust pipe near the rear of the catalytic converter.

    • 5). Remove the wiring harness connector from the oxygen sensor by squeezing in the connector tabs with your fingers while simultaneously pulling the connector from the sensor.

    • 6). Remove the sensor from the exhaust pipe by turning it out with an adjustable wrench in a counterclockwise direction.

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