Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Tape a Corgi's Ears

    • 1). Cut a 6-inch length of the flexible, self-adhesive bandage. Fold the bandage on itself to make a little pad to fit in the inner part of the ear. As an alternative, cut the cardboard toilet paper tube in half lengthwise. Cut each half into an oval that will fit into the inner part of the ear. The pad or the cardboard should not fit beyond the edges or tip of the ear.

    • 2). Place the pad or cardboard into the inner side of the ear, allowing an inch of space at the bottom of the ear, so the ear canal is not blocked. While your assistant holds the pad in place, wrap the flexible bandage around the bottom of the ear and pad to hold the pad in place. The flexible bandage sticks to itself only, so it will stay put without causing any irritation or pain.

    • 3). Continue to wrap the bandage around the ear, as your assistant holds the ear and pad in place. Wrap all the way up the ear, including the tip of the ear. Check that the bandage did not slide down and block or poke the beginning of the ear canal.

    • 4). Repeat step 3 to add another layer for better support of the ear.

    • 5). Repeat steps 1 through 4 on the second ear.

    • 6). Wrap the bandage around the top portion of one ear and across and around the top portion of the second ear, making a sort of bridge and holding the two ears into position. This should not be too tight; don't bend the ears too far inward. This step is optional. Some people prefer the bridge type of wrapping and others prefer to leave the ears wrapped separately.

    • 7). Wrap duct tape around the flexible bandage, making sure that no tape touches the pup's skin or fur. This step is also optional, as the flexible bandage is enough support for most pups, but some people like the extra support of the duct tape.

    • 8). Remove the tape after two to three days, and check the ears. Leave the tape off for a couple of days, and then repeat the procedure for three more days if the ears are not standing erect. You may need to repeat the taping several times before both ears stand erect.

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