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Cherokee Radiator Removal

    • 1). Let your Jeep Cherokee cool down for at least 4 hours before removing the radiator. The liquid in the radiator may burst out if it is still under pressure from heat.

    • 2). Open the hood of the Jeep and disconnect the negative battery cable by gently pulling it away from the battery. The negative battery cable is the black cable with a minus (-) sign on it.

    • 3). Locate the radiator cap on the bottom side of the radiator. Place a drain pan underneath the radiator. Remove the radiator cap to allow the engine coolant to drain into the pan. When the engine coolant has drained, set the drain pan aside.

    • 4). Detach both the lower and the upper hoses connected to the radiator. Unscrew the clamps on the radiator with the hose clamp tool. Check the hoses for holes or breaks. If there are holes, you will need to replace the hoses.

    • 5). Remove the radiator bolts. Loosen the radiator bolts with a wrench, and then detach the transmission cooler lines. Unscrew the radiator grill and pull it out. Set the radiator grill aside carefully.

    • 6). Lift out the radiator of the car. Ask a friend to help you carry the radiator. Make sure that when you lift the radiator you do not bump the easily-damaged fins into anything. Lower the radiator carefully to the ground.

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