Convertible top installation
Installing a convertible top can be quite a burdensome task for those who are planning to do it on their own. Instruction guides often include a forewarning that serves to inform users of the necessary procedures that may follow. The precautions within the manual are usually along the usual lines of safety measures that should be taken, but they also state that users should be have certain capabilities that are crucial to the installations, which includes: -- Handling tack hammers or staple guns €" To fix tacks that would hold the convertible in place. If tacks are driven in using the wrong method, it could damage the convertible or the car itself. -- Handling cement or rubber cement €" Handling cement is not entirely about skill, but it requires an added patience that's needed when aligning the different parts. -- Sketching and measuring €" This skill will be important before installing the convertible onto the vehicle so that the convertible will be able to meet its function later on. If convertible top materials are compatible to the vehicle that they're being installed on, minimal alterations are required so sewing might not be necessary. Installing a convertible top is just a reverse process from removing the convertible, but new convertible installations will require users to be familiar with a few common components of the convertible: Hold down cables €" As later it will be referred to as tension cables, these cables hold the framework in place when the top is covered. It's important that the cables are taunt when installed so that it provides a firm and rigid structure that can withstand air resistance. Tacking strips €" These strips usually go under the fabric to provide support for the tacks, but may not be found in convertibles that do not require stapling. Tack strips are important as the tacks provide a better grip and are made in a way that they could be easily removed and replaced, allowing the fabric to be replaced over time. Convertible top pads €" These pads are usually made of nylon webbing or foam and appear as slight bulges under the fabric. The purpose of the pads is evident when the top is lowered as it provides support in between the different frames when it remains folded. Latches €" The latches work in the same way a normal hood latch does. It's a small component that pulls the top down in to position when putting the top up to drive. Hydraulic system €" Some convertibles can be operated remotely when it's integrated with a hydraulic system. The hydraulic motor pump is responsible for raising and lowering the convertible with a simple toggle switch. The process first starts by having the seats and carpets removed from the interior of your 64 mustang restoration project. Accurate measurements and sketching will be done to locate points where the bolts of the framework could be fixed. When necessary if drilling has to be done the framework should be held in place by tightening the bolts. After that, run the tension cables through the structure, ensuring that it is tout and being fastened securely. The fabric is then spread across the framework where it will be held in place by tacks. The padding should be placed according to the manuals under the fabric before proceeding and always note that the tack strips should run underneath the fabric before stapling. A little help in making sure the fabric remains in its proper position could be done by using cement. Even though the cement has to be left to dry, the convenience of it during the assembly definitely offsets the time taken. After the assembly is complete, users should always test to check if there are any obstructions when raising or lowering the top. Convertible tops that come with power hydraulic systems will have manuals that will assist users in setting up the mechanism where it will require bolts and screws and also connecting the system to a power source.