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How to Change the Coolant on a Honda VTX 1800

    • 1). Pull the motorcycle up on a front wheel chock if you own one. This will give you easier access to the radiator.

    • 2). Remove any aftermarket radiator cover you may have installed, as most block the radiator drain plug.

    • 3). Place a bucket underneath the radiator drain bolt and remove it using a 12 mm open-end wrench. Let all the coolant drain out of the radiator. This can take anywhere from 30 seconds to several minutes.

    • 4). Replace the drain bolt using a 12 mm wrench. Tighten the bolt as you would any lock-nut.

    • 5). Press down and turn to open the radiator cap on the right side of the motorcycle.

    • 6). Pour in pre-mixed antifreeze coolant slowly. It is important that you use pre-mixed fluid or mix pure antifreeze with 50 percent water before you pour it into the radiator, as pure antifreeze won't keep the motor as cool. Allow the liquid time to work its way around the piping of the radiator. When you see the coolant rise up close to the top of the reservoir, you can be sure its full.

    • 7). Replace the radiator cap carefully, making sure to get it on correctly. The side tabs on the cap must match up to the grooves on the housing before the cap can be twisted into place.

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