Technology computers-hardware

How to Turn On "Num Lock" on a Laptop

    • 1). Look for the "Num Lock" key on your laptop's keyboard. This is usually near the top of the keyboard. If the key says nothing on it except "Num Lock" -- if that's the only function the key performs -- you can just press it to activate the lock; a light will probably go on somewhere to indicate that "Num Lock" is on. If the key has multiple functions, you'll have to hold down a different key while pressing it.

    • 2). Hold down "Shift" and press "Num Lock" if the writing saying "Num Lock" appears above some other writing on the key, the way various symbols appear above the numbers on the keyboard's number row.

    • 3). Hold down "Fn" and press "Num Lock" if the writing saying "Num Lock" appears in a different color -- often light blue -- that's shared by the "Fn" key.

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