Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How Do You Share Your World With Your Puppy?

Your puppy may feel comfortable with you and your family, but what about the rest of the world? Puppies need to be socialized so that they can have healthy interactions with their environments.
Puppies should be socialized before 18 weeks before they are too set in their ways to adapt.
Even if your puppy has not had all his shots, he can still see the outside world.
If he is a small dog, you can carry him around with you when you're out walking so he can experience the sounds of nature and man.
Once your puppy has been protected with additional shots, he can socialize more by walking himself while you have him on a secure collar and leash.
In order for your puppy's socialization to be beneficial, the process must not be limited.
The puppy should become familiar with as much as he can; this includes a wide variety of locations and sounds, as well as a diverse body of people who range in ages, activity levels, and races.
You must socialize your puppy inside of your home as well.
Household noises should be recognized by the puppy but should not be seen as threats.
While you are at home, don't hesitate to turn on the television or play music on your computer.
Don't alter your chore schedule to accommodate the dog either.
The vacuum cleaner is another appliance he will soon grow accustomed to once he realizes that it poses no threat to him.
If you use treats while socializing your puppy, your puppy will associate encountering new people and new things with a good experience.
The treats can be used to reward your puppy for behaving appropriately in new surroundings.
Just like with any other training process, socializing your new family member will take time.
Make sure that you are patient with your pet and rather than reprimand him, look for ways to reward him.
At the end of the day, he only wants to please his family.

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