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Signs of Memory Issues on Your Computer

    • Memory problems can create a variety of symptoms in your image by blaine stiger from

      Computer memory problems are common and troublesome. While a number of issues may contribute, most can be attributed to three main issues. The main culprits include improper configuration, improper installation and defective hardware. Improper configuration is when you have the wrong part for your computer or the part is configured improperly. With improper installation there may be a problem with the socket. Finally, with defective hardware, the problem may be in the memory module itself.

    Blue Screens

    • When starting up your computer you may observe a blank or blue screen. This may also occur during regular operations sometime after starting or restarting your system. This is a very common sign of computer memory problems. This may also be due to heat, so check for this first.


    • When your computer boots, if it doesn't start properly but rather you hear a series of beeps, this can be a BIOS code for a memory problem. When the computer starts, a hardware inventory is taken. If the computer is unable to boot, the central processing unit is unable to communicate with the hardware. Ways to check or correct for this include ensuring proper installation of memory and performing a BIOS update.

    Slow Speed and Crashes

    • If the computer lags greatly in performing tasks or crashes frequently, particularly during memory-intensive tasks such as gaming or other such operations, memory problems can be suspected. Sometimes the computer may be slow even when doing normal tasks, and this may occur as a sudden problem or build up slowly. While online, pages may only partially load. This may mean you have inadequate RAM. These problems may also be due to overheating, corrosion between the memory module and socket or a problem with the power supply.


    • Of course, a sure sign of memory problems is when you receive messages from your computer saying there are memory issues or that there is low memory. Whenever you receive a message such as this, write down what the message is and what the computer was doing or trying to do when you received the message.

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