Technology computers-hardware

How to Add Memory & Speed to a Laptop


    • 1). Determine what type of memory you'll need and how much you want. The type and limits compatible with your laptop can be found in the manual. If you don't have the manual, many websites offer memory advisers to help you choose the correct memory for your laptop. After determining these specifics, purchase your memory either online or from an electronics or computer store.

    • 2). Turn your laptop off completely and wait until the entire system powers down. Unplug the power cord and any other devices connected to the computer.

    • 3). Close the shell and flip the computer on its back so the bottom is facing the ceiling. Remove the battery, which is usually done by releasing a switch or simply pulling the battery out. Don't force it out though, if you're having trouble, consult the manual, which will have instructions for removing the battery.

    • 4). Locate the memory hatch cover. Again, the manual will tell you exactly where it is but it's typically a two to five inch square with two to four screws holding it in place. Once located, unscrew the hatch and set it and the screws safely to the side.

    Upgrading the RAM

    • 1). Determine whether you're simply upgrading to an empty RAM slot (most laptops have two slots, one is often empty) or replacing the existing RAM. If you're simply upgrading, skip to step three. Otherwise locate the memory module within the hatch.

    • 2). Gently press down or outward on the two clips on either side of the memory module. These clips hold the RAM in place and may differ in release method by laptop. Once you release the locks, the RAM should pop up far enough to be removed. Before removing, make a mental note of its orientation within the memory slot, you'll insert the new RAM in exactly this fashion.

    • 3). Press the two clips on either side of the empty RAM slot open to make sure the slot isn't locked with nothing in it. Softly and carefully insert the new RAM module(s) into the empty slot with the golden notches entering first.

    • 4). Press down gently on the RAM once it's inserted, you should either hear or feel it clip into place and the locks should now be firmly closed again. Screw the memory cover back on and plug the battery in before flipping the computer over and opening it again.

    • 5). Turn the laptop on and on the first screen you'll see a quick message telling you to hit a certain button to enter setup, hit that button. The setup screen should now reflect the newly installed memory information. Press "F10" to save and exit setup.

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