Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Easy Tips on Training Dogs

These helpful training tips will help you remember how to use - and not use - reinforcement.
Facts about dogs tell us that they respond much better to praise than punishment, much as we do ourselves.
Teaching your dog to come to you is one of the most important things he will learn.
It won't take him long to catch on that you want him when you call him.
If you have a good relationship, your dog should want to come to you.
Make sure that you teach your dog the basic verbal commands.
Sit, stay, heel, should be a part of your vocabulary - and his, too.
Always have a positive attitude when you're working with your dog.
He knows if you're in a bad mood, and it won't help either of you to work on training, if you are.
Be quick with praise and slow with punishment.
Don't be afraid, if you have problems, to speak with an expert on dogs.
Facts say that people who work with dogs all the time will have valuable tips for you.
Be firm and friendly.
When you call your dog, use a bright and happy voice.
Use a firmer voice for stay, down and sit.
Start your training young, but not too young.
Six to eight weeks is a good time to start training your puppy in proper manners.
Contrary to old wives' tales, old dogs can learn new tricks, too.
Don't rub his nose in it.
The old newspaper on the nose is really not an effective training method.
Punishing should not be a part of your dog's training.
You will only teach him to be afraid of you.
Be patient.
I've mentioned this already, on purpose.
Patience is the key to working with any dog or puppy.
Don't work on training if you're at the end of your leash after a hard day at work.
Remember, training should be fun! Keep sessions short.
Fifteen minutes is about the maximum amount of time you can hold a dog's attention for training, especially a puppy.
Focus on a single training aspect each lesson, and always end on a positive note.
Don't try to train around distractions.
Pick a quiet time to train, and an area that's not full of diversions.
If you have other pets, make sure they are out of the way of your training session.
It should be fun.
Dog training should be a pleasant time together for you and Poochie.
This is bonding time, quality time, time for you and your dog to really learn about each other.
After he knows you like only a dog can, you will have a loyal, long-time companion and a faithful friend.

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