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How to Disarm an Airbag System for the Repair of the Radiator

    • 1). Check for any yellow wires with bold black stripes winding around the wires that are in close proximity to any components that will be removed. If there are any in the area, the air bag system will need to be immobilized prior to disassembly. If there are no wires visible, do not immobilize the system.

    • 2). Obtain the radio code from the owner's manual or the dealership, so that you can recode the radio after the job is finished.

    • 3). Raise the hood and remove the negative battery terminal, using a wrench. Make sure the terminal connector is at least six inches away from the battery. Allow the vehicle to sit for 15 minutes before proceeding, so that all the circuits will go to sleep and dissipate any residual charge remaining in any components.

    • 4). Complete the work on the radiator and any assembly necessary. In the process of removing the radiator or working on it while it is in the vehicle, pay attention to the air bag wires and the air bag sensors mounted on the front of the radiator support shroud or bumper. Make sure the wires are not disturbed and do not pull out of the sensors.

    • 5). Install the negative cable on the battery and tighten. Follow the procedure in the manual for entering the code in the radio.

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