How to Recognize Various Types of Ankylosis in Cats
- 1). Pay attention to the health of your cat's teeth. Too much chewing or biting of toys may indicate an irritated or inflamed gum from an infected or broken ankylosed tooth. Fused or ankylosing teeth often occur in the molars. The periodontal ligaments disappear when the tooth fuses to the jaw bone. The function of these ligaments is to withstand the pressures of chewing as well as to let the brain know the relative pressure you are putting on your teeth. In addition to causing problems with decayed teeth, the teeth with fused roots will often sit lower in the jaw, causing poor bite structure by affecting the placement of teeth on either side, as well as above and below the fused teeth.
- 2). In some cats, the tooth root fuses with the bone of the jaw as they age. This condition can be dangerous to the health of your pet because the tooth may be difficult to remove if it becomes broken or damaged. Some vets now recommend root canal for this condition, which eases the tooth from its encasement in the jaw bone. Removal of the tooth in these cases may cause too much bleeding; the extraction process may break the jaw of the cat.
- 3). Additional complications may occur in cats with fused tooth roots, including fusion with other teeth. The dentist will use a mechanized hand machine to separate the tooth from the bone of the jaw. If the tooth is whole, it will be left in place, but if the tooth is broken, the roots must be removed from the jaw bone, as partial teeth may cause bleeding, infection and discomfort in your cat.
- 1). Has your cat experienced weight loss or difficulty eating? These are signs that your cat may have ankylosis of the jaw.
- 2). The type of ankylosis between the jaw bones is called TMJ ankylosis, and is the result of either injury or tumor of the bone. TMJ ankylosis is a serious condition because the animal cannot open its mouth to eat, lick, or yawn.
- 3). The Journal of Veterinary Orthopedics and Traumatology reports that surgery is a reliable treatment for tumors as well as injury causing TMJ ankylosis.
- 1). Stiffness in walking may indicate ankylosis of the small bones of the neck, or in the legs.
- 2). Ankylosis of the joints may occur in the front legs of the cat, particularly in the elbow joint. Several conditions may lead to fusion of the joints of the legs, such as untreated injuries, swelling, repeated use injuries, and arthritis. Your vet may recommend short-term use of steroids or other anti-inflammatory medicines, supportive leg braces, and dietary supplements to assist your cat in healing from trauma and fusion of the joints. Surgery may be recommended in severe cases.
- 3). Ankylosis of the neck, which is caused by fusion of the small bones of the spinal column, or vertebrae, may be another manifestation of ankylosis of the joints. Ankylosis of the neck may be marked by stiffness while eating, difficulty bending or drinking water, or resting on the hind legs.