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How to Replace the Spark Plugs on a 4.6L

    • 1). Park your vehicle in a flat location where the hood assembly is easily accessible.

    • 2). Pop the hood and climb out of the vehicle. Lift the hood and secure it with the lock bar.

    • 3). Remove the negative (black) terminal from your vehicle's battery using a crescent wrench.

    • 4). Locate the eight spark plug wires along the sides of your vehicle's motor. Remove these by simply pulling them off.

    • 5). Remove the spark plugs from their housings using a spark plug wrench or a 14mm socket wrench.

    • 6). Slide the new spark plugs into place and tighten them down. Be very careful not to strip the threads on the plugs.

    • 7). Replace the spark plug wires by pressing them onto the plug heads. They should clip into place quite easily.

    • 8). Replace the negative terminal on your vehicle's battery, once again using a crescent wrench.

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