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How to Replace ATV Brakes

    Front Brake Shoes

    • 1). Loosen the left front wheel's lug nuts with a socket wrench. Set the parking brake and lift the front end of the ATV off the ground with jack. Unscrew the lug nuts completely and pull the wheel off the axle's hubs.

    • 2). Remove the cotter pin from the center of the axle's hub with pliers. Unscrew the nut from the hub with a socket wrench and pull the hub off the front axle to access the front brake drum.

    • 3). Locate the brake lever arm on the brake drum, which is connected to the brake cable. Unscrew the brake cable's lock nut with a wrench and pull the cable out of the lever. Pull the cover plate off the brake drum.

    • 4). Pull the brake shoes out of the brake drum. Clean the inner surface of the brake drum with brake cleaner. Lightly sand the inner surface with 80 grit sandpaper to de-burr the drum and remove caked-on debris. Rinse the drum thoroughly with brake cleaner.

    • 5). Place the new brake shoes into the brake drum. Reassemble the ATV following the reverse order of removal. Follow the same procedure to replace the right front wheel's brake shoes.

    Rear Brake Pads

    • 1). Loosen the right rear wheel's lug nuts with a socket wrench. Lift the rear end of the ATV off the ground with a jack. Unscrew the lug nuts completely and pull the right rear wheel off the axle's hub.

    • 2). Remove the cotter pin from the center of the axle's hub with pliers. Unscrew the nut from the hub with a socket wrench and pull the hub off of the front axle to access the rear brake disc and caliper.

    • 3). Unscrew the brake caliper's mounting bolts with a socket wrench and lift the caliper off the brake disc. Pull the brake pads out of the caliper.

    • 4). Spray the inside of the brake caliper with brake cleaner to dislodge trapped debris. Insert new brake pads into the caliper. Slide the caliper over the brake disc and onto its mounting bracket. Tighten the caliper bolts with a socket wrench.

    • 5). Reassemble the ATV following the reverse order of removal.

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