How Do I Get Rid of Man Boobs?
This is something that is of a major concern for a large number of men around the world and something that can have a dramatic affect on your confidence in a number of different environments.
The technical term for what has become known through media hype as moobs is actually Gynecomastia and is a result of the over development of the mammary glands in men resulting in the appearance of larger than normal breasts.
This can occur as a result of imbalanced sex hormones and the tissue reaction to that or can be attributed to Adipose (Fat) Tissue, Hypertrophy (the increase in fat cell size) and skin.
Often there is no one answer that can be held responsible.
This however does nothing to alleviate the distress that is often caused to men who suffer with this condition.
It is possible though to reduce and often eliminate the size of them.
How? Well, let's just look at two of the reason stated above for having this condition: Adipose Tissue and Hypertrophy.
Both of these are a direct result of diet, not going on a diet but the food that we eat.
So by changing our diet even a little we can begin to reduce the increase in fat cell size know as Hypertrophy and stop the build up of adipose tissue in the body.
Combine this with come exercises that concentrate on the upper body area, exercises that are resistance exercises (weights or body weight) and not cardio based (running, aerobics) and we will soon see some drastic improvements.
What should we eat? Well, in this article I will just give a brief overview and follow up with a more in depth article at a later date.
It is more important to focus on the quantity of food eaten in the beginning because it is the excess calories that are resulting in the creation of the adipose tissue and causing the fat cells to increase in size or multiply, so initially reduce your calorie intake and increase the amount of exercise that you do.
Once we have begun this then we can look at the foods that will be of most benefit to us.
The technical term for what has become known through media hype as moobs is actually Gynecomastia and is a result of the over development of the mammary glands in men resulting in the appearance of larger than normal breasts.
This can occur as a result of imbalanced sex hormones and the tissue reaction to that or can be attributed to Adipose (Fat) Tissue, Hypertrophy (the increase in fat cell size) and skin.
Often there is no one answer that can be held responsible.
This however does nothing to alleviate the distress that is often caused to men who suffer with this condition.
It is possible though to reduce and often eliminate the size of them.
How? Well, let's just look at two of the reason stated above for having this condition: Adipose Tissue and Hypertrophy.
Both of these are a direct result of diet, not going on a diet but the food that we eat.
So by changing our diet even a little we can begin to reduce the increase in fat cell size know as Hypertrophy and stop the build up of adipose tissue in the body.
Combine this with come exercises that concentrate on the upper body area, exercises that are resistance exercises (weights or body weight) and not cardio based (running, aerobics) and we will soon see some drastic improvements.
What should we eat? Well, in this article I will just give a brief overview and follow up with a more in depth article at a later date.
It is more important to focus on the quantity of food eaten in the beginning because it is the excess calories that are resulting in the creation of the adipose tissue and causing the fat cells to increase in size or multiply, so initially reduce your calorie intake and increase the amount of exercise that you do.
Once we have begun this then we can look at the foods that will be of most benefit to us.